Aleksandr Kriuchkov

aka alvik48
Frontend & node.js developer

Who am I

My name is Aleksandr Kriuchkov a.k.a. alvik48. I am frontend and Node.js developer.

I was born in Russia in 1987 and live in Slovenia from 2016.

Currently I work on project as CTO. I develop frontend and some parts of backend scripts like calculation of live outcomes probabilities in different sport matches, bots and utilities.

What I do

I develop fast and efficient web applications using modern technologies on frontend and backend.

On the frontend I use my own build system based on Gulp task manager, Nunjucks as HTML extension, Stylus as css preprocessor and some JS frameworks that I choose before starting development. I use Angular.js for prototyping and extra-fast development; React.js for complex dynamic SPA where bundle size and final application speed is not extremely important; Vanilla JS for building big, complex and fast applications.

Also I develop backend applications on Node.js like bots, parsers, command line utilities and others.

What I like

I love my work. But also, of course, I like many other things in my life:

  • first of all, I love my family — my wife Oksana and son Ilya;
  • I like to sing and play on guitar;
  • I like to play chess (my FIDE rating is 2153 for classic chess and 2228 for blits);
  • I like to play soccer.

Contact me